The BID Board of Directors is comprised of local property and business owners who are highly committed to making the entire district a viable destination for current and future businesses. The Board typically meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:15 a.m. at The Art Gym on Leyden Street just south of Colfax. Check Events & Meetings for updated information.

Dan Murray, President
Suburban Toppers
Colfax & Ivy

Candace Wickstrom, Vice President
City Floral Garden Center
Kearney & 14th

Barbara Macfarlane, Secretary & Treasurer
Marczyk Fine Foods
Colfax & Fairfax

Taylor Woodard
The Shop Outpost
Colfax & Ivy

Nathan Beal (pending)
Saint Bernard Properties (La Vista)
Colfax & Hudson

Michael Bruntz (pending)
Mozart’s Denver
Krameria & 14th
